Peoria Lodge 31 Free & Accepted Masons in Arizona
Peoria Lodge No. 31 was chartered in 1922 through dispensation of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in Arizona. Over the years the Lodge has remained constant in its location in downtown Peoria, but has grown and adapted to changing times. Today Peoria Lodge No. 31 consists of over 200 brethren in Arizona and across the world. The Lodge works hard to maintain the traditions and ancient knowledge of those that have gone before, so as to pass it on to the next generation of Freemasons who will in time themselves take the reigns of the fraternity.
Due to an unforeseen event our meetings and degrees will be held at the Phoenix Scottish Rite Building
7726 N. 59th Ave.
Glendale,AZ 85301
Please join us for dinner at our Stated Meeting
on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm.
Message From the Worshipful Master
This word is one of the oldest, as it is one of the most beautiful, in any language. Nobody knows where or when it originated, but it is certain that it existed in Sanskrit, in a form strikingly similar to that used by us. In Greek it was phrater, in the Latin frater, whence our "fraternal" and "fraternalism. " It has always meant men from the same parents, or men knit by very close blood ties. When associated with "initiation, which has the general meaning of"being born into," one can see how appropriate its use in Freemasonry. All of us have, through initiation in our "mother" Lodges, been born into a Masonry and therefore we are "brothers," and that which holds us together in one great family is the "Mystic Tie," the Masonic analogue of the blood tie among kinsmen. In the Word brother signifies the same as neighbor, for the reason that everyone ought to love his neighbor as himself; thus brethren were so called from love; or what is the same, from good. This manner of naming and addressing the neighbor comes from the fact that in heaven the Lord is the Father of all and loves all as His children; and thus that love is spiritual conjunction. From this the universal heaven resembles as if it were one family derived from love and charity. Therefore as all the sons of Israel represented the Lord's heavenly kingdom, that is, the kingdom of love and charity; among each other they were called brethren, and also companions; but the latter, that is, companions, not from the good of love, but from the truth of faith. Bro. Auro Macaraeg Worshipful Master |